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Thanks for your support

Supporting us

The Manx National Youth Band is a registered charity and financially relies on donations, sponsorship and grants to enable it to fulfil many of its projects and running costs. We hope that you will be able to support the band by coming to as many of our concerts as possible, but here are some other ways you can contribute:


Are you hosting a special event such as wedding, birthday party, anniversary, Christmas party? Would you like the band to perform at your local church? We can provide an ensemble and music to suit any occasion.


The 100 Club is an easy and effective way for you to support the band. For just £1 a ball per month you could win the top prize of £30 in our monthly prize draw! There’s no limit to the number of balls you can buy and if you sign up for 12 months you'll also automatically become a Social Club Member.

The 100 Club has been going for a number of years now and the money raised has helped to pay for new instruments for our learners and contributed towards our music costs.

If you'd like to join, email treasurer@manxyouthband.org or download a membership form.


We are always looking for sponsorship to help with promoting concerts, a new instrument, uniforms, new music or for transporting equipment to events. In return for your sponsorship, we will promote your company in our concert programmes, website and social media. Or why not book the band to perform at one of your corporate events.


CD Recordings of the band are available to purchase at most of our concerts and make a great gift for anyone who likes good music.

They can also be bought online here.